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Responsible Consumption of Alcohol Policy



Historically, NBCC has regularly held social days for members, their partners and friends whereby attendees brought their own food, drinks and alcohol. As a club, we do not hold a license to serve or sell alcohol to anyone. Further to this, our Clubhouse is on Council land and hence, Council states, with regard to Clause 9.17(a), of the leasing agreement, “... the club is only permitted to consume alcohol on the premises as long as it is not in contravention or contradiction of park rules and signage.” We must therefore be mindful at all times of the limitations that our lease arrangement stipulates. 



The responsible consumption of alcohol at Club events such as BBQs, Christmas parties, and other such events may only take place with the pre-approval of the Committee. On these social days, alcohol may be consumed at the club house during the event, however, no alcohol can be taken onto the surrounding grass verges and or courts, by attendees at any time. 

Day Captains are responsible for ensuring that prior approval is granted well in advance of a session or event that intends to allow the consumption of alcohol at the club house. If approval has been granted to a Day Captain, best practice requires alcohol can only be consumed after the final game. 


NBCC strives to remain a Club that is inclusive. To ensure all members feel welcome, events and sessions that have been granted approval to consume alcohol must be advertised as such to the entire membership. There are no circumstances where members can make an informal agreement to bring or consume alcohol when no approval has been granted and no prior notice given to all members. 


Individual Responsibility 

During all events where alcohol is consumed, members are responsible for their own behaviour and that of their guests. Members who consume alcohol are expected to consider the safety of themselves and their passengers, and to comply with “Drink, Driving Laws”, and to remind any of their guests that have consumed alcohol of the laws if there is a concern that a guest may drive after the event. 

If, for any reason, the behaviour of members and or guests makes other participants feel uncomfortable or excluded, it is appropriate for members to discretely remind those members of what is appropriate behaviour and if necessary, seek help from the Day Captain and/or Committee members. 


It is important to understand that if the steps in this policy are followed by all members, they can be assured that the safety of all attendees on and off the courts is paramount. It also seeks to ensure that no member or guest has impaired judgement due to alcohol when leaving the courts. 


January 2024


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